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The Courage ship tipped today at the port in Jersey City causing major damage to over 300 BMWs not including 70+ BMWs that were total losses. a majority of the destroyed vehicles were M3s (mostly in dark blue) with a variety of 3ers and 1ers smashed up as well.


A small number of the cars destroyed had German Tourist plates on them, those European delivery customers will NOT be getting their cars back.


If you were expecting your M3 or E90/E92 in the next month, you're going to be in for a sad surprise. those cars that were a total loss will be crushed, I asked a BMW rep, he stated that they will not be auctioned as there is a liability for letting those cars on the road.


The shipping company's insurance is footing the bill, I do not know how they will handle those cars that are already owned by the European Delivery customers. Those cars with light damage will be repaired at the Elizabeth Receiving facility and sold through BMW's dealer network as new cars.


Ja współczuję...


A widok jest straszny (tylko dla osób o mocnych nerwach :wink:):



:cry2: :cry2: :cry2:


Freude am Fahren - anytime, anywhere


Straszne rzecz szczególnie dla fanów marki no i czekających klientów :(

Niepotrzebnie zamieszczałeś :cry2:




E36 318 is coupe 93'

E36 323i sedan 97'

Dobrze wiedziec ze taka sytuacja miala miejsce. Mozna sie niezle naciac kupujac nowe auto. :evil:


Bez obaw. Takie auto napewno nie trafi na zadne drogi. Jest po kolei rozbierana a pozniej recycling lub szrot.

Sprzedam Bmw 320d E46 2001r
  • Członkowie klubu
Dobrze wiedziec ze taka sytuacja miala miejsce. Mozna sie niezle naciac kupujac nowe auto. :evil:

Bardziej naciąć się chyba można u lokalnego dilera bez takiej akcji, niestety.



335d xDrive

Ciekawe czy furki były ubezpieczone. Na marginesie - jak czytam komentarze ludzi to robi mi sie żal. Polacy to specyficzny naród.
Bez obaw. Takie auto napewno nie trafi na zadne drogi. Jest po kolei rozbierana a pozniej recycling lub szrot.


A przeczytaj to kolego:


" Those cars with light damage will be repaired at the Elizabeth Receiving facility and sold through BMW's dealer network as new cars. "

Bez obaw. Takie auto napewno nie trafi na zadne drogi. Jest po kolei rozbierana a pozniej recycling lub szrot.


A przeczytaj to kolego:


" Those cars with light damage will be repaired at the Elizabeth Receiving facility and sold through BMW's dealer network as new cars. "


A przeczytaj to.,1042081

Sprzedam Bmw 320d E46 2001r


Ok, Ok ale z tekstu na gorze strony wynika, ze lacznie samochodow bylo ponad 370. 70 z nich o czym pisza rowniez na Interii jest zniszczonym kompletnie i te maja byc zlomowane. Z reszty pozostalych te ktore sa lekko uszkodzone bede naprawione i sprzedane jako nowe.


Osobiscie zastanawiam sie, co to znaczy w praktyce "lekko uszkodzone"...[/code]


Lekko uszkodzone, pewnie chodzi o takie, w których wymieni się zewnętrzne poszycie (błotnik, drzwi) i już. To jednak porażka, mimo ubezpieczenia... szkoda.

A jak chcą zaoszczędzić, niech ten transport przyślą do Polski. Tu się wszystko da naprawić, nawet te, co mają być zezłomowane :)

  • 2 tygodnie później...


Most of the cars were the upcoming BMW 1-series and the new M3, and to twist the knife even harder, lots of the damaged cars belonged to customers who have bought their lovely bimmers through the BMW European Delivery Program.


Unfortunately, this was not the first time that happened. In the past, it was the Andrea Doria and the Chrysler Norseman concept car. Then there was the Tricolor, a Wallenius Lines vessel that sank in the English Channel, taking down over 2,000 Volvos, BMWs and Saabs. Later there was the infamous Cougar Ace, which heeled over on its side and took 4,700 Mazdas with it. It seems like these type of things are bound to happen once in a while and then it's normal for everyone to wonder how would the car manufacturers deal with this.


BMW says customers concerned about ending up with a damaged car can rest assured that any and all damage will fully disclosed before being sold to dealers. Following its long-standing policy, the damaged vehicles will be handled appropriately based on the degree of damage incurred. For instance, any vehicle whose repair costs approach or exceed its inventory value will be crushed in whole at the port.


Vehicles with damage greater than three percent of their value will be repaired and used as employee vehicles for a period of time before being sold at dealer auctions with full disclosure of the damage and repairs. After being sold at auction, the cars will carry the balance of the original factory warranty.


Cars with less than three percent damage will be repaired, after which the dealer, or the customer in the case of a special order vehicle, will be notified of the damage and repair and then given the option of accepting or refusing the car. Any repaired car that is rejected by either a dealer or a customer will be sent to a dealer auction and the vehicle will be replaced with an identical one at the earliest possible time. All repaired vehicles will carry the full factory warranty.


And here is the important part for all of you that have done the ED program: Those customers who were waiting for their European Delivery vehicle to arrive will have the same options and everyone else. Essentially, they can take a similar vehicle from dealer stock, or they can order an identical replacement new from the factory.


Wie ktoś jak oni obliczą dokładnie te 3% zniszczeń?


Freude am Fahren - anytime, anywhere

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