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Rekomendowane odpowiedzi



Me and my friends travelling in Poland and I have trouble with my car. I need very URGENT help! Is there somebody available tonight?

My car is BMW 325i (N53) E93, 2008 and I have some basic diagnostic tools with me.

While I am driving the "check engine" error will come up and diagnostic tool shows error "0x29F2 high pressure fuel system, fuel pressure" by gear change (both with automatic and manual mode) I was able to measure low and high fuel pressure values and before the error they were about 5K (low) and 200K (high) hPa. After the error shows up the high pressure decreases to 5K hPa and stays that way until I delete the error via my basic "Bimmerlink" app.

Currently we are driving via E67 to Warsaw and we are looking any kind of help available - even in late of night if it is possible.

You can have contact with me via FB messenger or via direct call ±37253751000. WhatsApp also linked with this number.

Think you all in advance

Rasmus from Estonia.

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Warszawa ul. Mechaników 5. AUTOTECH serwis BMW i MNI

Maybe you can try there.

Looks like your fuel pump is dying. It should be checked quickly. If it breaks there wil go metal shreds thru the fuel system.

There is also another option that the pressure sensor is broken, but that is very optimistic :mrgreen:


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