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Hi everyone, recently bought BMW 5 series F10 525D xDrive, 2014, 150000 kilometers. I think that i need to change coolant and brake pads besides oil in engine and transmission.

1) Could you recommend which coolant should i select for this car?

1) Could you recommend which brake pads are better for me?

1) Could you recommend which brake fluid should i select for this car?

1) Could you recommend which brake discs should i select for this car?

Links on allegro or etc. will be great!

Thank you very much!

  • Zasłużeni forumowicze
Hi everyone, recently bought BMW 5 series F10 525D xDrive, 2014, 150000 kilometers. I think that i need to change coolant and brake pads besides oil in engine and transmission.

1) Could you recommend which coolant should i select for this car?

1) Could you recommend which brake pads are better for me?

1) Could you recommend which brake fluid should i select for this car?

1) Could you recommend which brake discs should i select for this car?

Thank you very much!


Coolant :,1cool,1expert,15l

Brake fluid:,99901,66402,2ate

Brake pads & discs: There are two versions of the front brake pads and discs, regular and reinforced, so you must provide the VIN in the store.

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