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Vehicle information


VIN: WBANC710X0B640268

Type code: NC71

Model: 530D (EUR)

E-F-R series: E60

Series: 5

Type: LIM

Steering: LL

Doors: 4

Engine: M57/TU

Displacement: 3.00

Power: 160 (217 hp)

Drive: HECK

Transmission: AUT


Upholstery code: U6SW - LEDER NASCA SCHW 2004-02-26

S8SA Navigation access request,country-spec.

S8SB Telematics access request,country-spec.

S8SC Telematics access request,country-spec.

S8SP Control unit CO2

S205 Automatic transmission

S217 Active steering

S229 Dynamic Drive

S235 Towing hitch, detachable

S248 Steering wheel heater

S261 Side airbags for rear passengers

S302 Alarm system

S319 Integrated universal remote control

S320 Deleted, model lettering

S339 Shadow-Line

S356 Climate comfort laminated glass

S403 Glass roof, electrical

S415 Sun-blind, rear

S416 Roller sun visor, rear lateral

S423 Floor mats, velours

S428 Warning triangle and first aid kit

S430 Interior/outside mirror with auto dip

S431 Interior rear-view mirror with auto dip

S438 Fine wood trim

S441 Smoker package

S453 Climatised front seats

S456 Comfort seat with memory

S465 Through-loading system

S502 Headlight cleaning system

S508 Park Distance Control (PDC)

S522 Xenon Light

S524 Adaptive Headlights

S534 Automatic air conditioning

S536 Auxiliary heating

S540 Cruise control

S548 Kilometre speedo

S591 BMW LA wheel, star spoke 124

S601 TV function

S605 Telematics preparation

S607 Preparation, Teleservice

S609 Navigation system, Professional

S612 BMW Assist

S620 Voice control

S638 Car telephone Professional

S672 CD changer for 6 CDs

S677 HiFi system Professional DSP

S698 Area-Code 2 for DVD

S785 White direction indicator lights


S851 Language version German

S863 Dealer List Europe

S879 Operating instructions German

S915 Omission of outer-skin preservation

S964 Navi DVD to be requested at shipping


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- maskę cosmosschwarz 303

- osłonę dźwigni automat 51167059413 ("-" do przodu)

- listwę spryskiwaczy mgłowych polift (303 cosmosschwarz)

Najlepiej Dolny Śląsk, tel. 782-784-200.

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