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Niestety muszę zdjąć całość osłon.
Front Dome:

1. Flip down visors and turn them out towards the doors.

2. Flip open the little plastic cover on the piece that the visor clips into.

3. Remove the torx screw and take the clip off.

4. You can now pull the front edge of the headliner down.

5. Reach in with you fingers, you should be able to feel to metal clips on either side of the front (towards the windshield)

4. Push in and pull down, the whole dome light console comes out.


Rear Dome:

1. Sit in the back seat.

2. Grab the front of the dome assembly (facing the front of the car).

3. Pull towards the back of the car while pulling down.

3. The whole assembly will come down.



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