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Witam, czy może ktoś podpowiedzieć jak prawidłowo wykonać kasowanie adaptacji przepływomierza w BMW E90 320D M47T2 za pomocą DISa?

1. czy powinno się to robić tylko na włączonej stacyjce czy na uruchomionym silniku?


2. po wykonaniu resetu program informuje o wyłączeniu stacyjki na min 3 min. i ponownym włączeniu - czy powinno się to zrobić już po zamknięciu DISa?

  • Zasłużeni forumowicze
Nie robiłem tego w dis-ie, ale nie wyłączaj programu, rób wg instrukcji.

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Drugi czarnuch-540i

E32 740IL

Kupię do e46 sedan przedlift:

- maskę cosmosschwarz 303

- osłonę dźwigni automat 51167059413 ("-" do przodu)

- listwę spryskiwaczy mgłowych polift (303 cosmosschwarz)

Najlepiej Dolny Śląsk, tel. 782-784-200.


Zrobiłem tylko na włączonym zapłonie a o co chodzi z podanymi wartościami w tabeli?


Adaptation of air-mass flow meter DDE6.0


In normal operation, the air mass flow meter is subject to effects such as soiling and ageing. Those effects cause divergence between the stored characteristic and the specified status resulting in symptoms such as lack of power or black smoke. In order to prevent the effects of this problem, the 'air mass flow meter adaptation' function was introduced with deployment of the DDE5.



Air mass flow meter adaptation is performed by the DDE control unit at two operating points: When idling and under load in an operating range defined as follows:


Engine speed = 1700 ... 3000 rpm

Charge-air pressure = 1100 ... 2800 mbar

Speed = 90 ... 160 km/h

Change in intake-air temperature < 2 °C/s

Change in injection rate < 2 mg/stroke/s

Delay period = 3 s


Adaptation sequence at each of those points:


The air mass flow meter adaptation uses certain operational data to calculate the theoretical air mass flow passing through the engine. The DDE control unit compares the figure obtained with the level measured by the air mass flow meter.


If the DDE control unit finds that the measured level differs by more than ± 8 % from the theoretical figure, that difference is stored on the control unit as a compensation factor.


That compensation factor enables the control unit to adjust the measured levels before they are processed by the various functions.



The service function Air mass flow meter adaptation must be run if the air mass flow meter is replaced. The stored compensation factors are reset to 0 in the process.



The air mass flow meter adaptation is used as follows:


E46 M47TU: as of volume production launch

E46 M57TU: as of volume production launch

E65 M57TU: as of 03/2003 with integration stage 6.108 and DDE software VQ5.7

E60 M57TU: as of volume production launch

E87 M47TU2: as of volume production launch

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