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Jak w temacie potrzebuje pomocy jak zakodować na nowo moduł kąta skrętu.

Stary moduł uległ zalaniu, wymieniłem na nowy błąd z deski zgasł ale lampy sie nie poziomują ani nie skręcają :/

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Jakimi programami dysponujesz ?

ISTA to ogarnie .

"Teoria jest wtedy, kiedy wiemy wszystko, a nic nie działa! Praktyka jest wtedy, kiedy wszystko działa, a nikt nie wie dlaczego"
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Ja korzystałem z tej instrukcji

ale proste

Tools32 öffnen (C:\EDIABAS\Tools32.exe)
FRM_87.prg (für FRM1) oder FRM_70.prg (für FRM2/FRM3) öffnen
Falls nicht das korrekte Lichtmodul (Fußraummodul) dabei ist, mit INPA das Lichtmodul auswählen, Fehlerspeicher lesen, oben ablesen, welche PRG-Datei ausgewählt wird und diese dann mit Tool32 öffnen
Job "STATUS_LAMPEN_KURZSCHLUSS_COUNTER" suchen und mit Doppel-Klick ausführen
im Result-Fenster den Wert suchen, der 50 beträgt (müsste die Lampe sein,
die nicht mehr funktioniert)
und als Argument die Lampennummer angeben, 
für welche der Counter zurückgesetzt werden soll 
(die entsprechende Lampennummer findet man in der Tabelle "LampNrTexte", 
die Tabellen öffnet man über: Fenster->Tabellen-Info)
Fertig :)


adresy dla frm1 (frm_87 ) sa inne niż dla FRM2 i 3 FRM_70

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lewa 0x00

prawa 0x01

ale jak zwarcie to nic nie da

0x00 AUSGANG_FL_LINKS Fernlicht bzw. Abbiegelicht links

0x01 AUSGANG_FL_RECHTS Fernlicht bzw. Abbiegelicht rechts

dopiero po odłączeniu zwarcia można było zresetować i pojawiło się napięcie na pinie


opis dla frm zwarć ori po angielsku

Dealing with short circuits in the footwell module depends on the production date of the footwell module. Differences result for the production date 09/2007 and 09/2009.

Description of dealing with short circuits up to 09/2007:
If a short circuit is detected in a circuit, the circuit is switched off after one minute. This circuit remains switched off until there has been a terminal change (terminal 15 > terminal 30 ‐> terminal 15).

A renewed attempt to switch on is only made after a terminal change. After a total of 50 terminal changes have occurred in a vehicle while the circuit had a short circuit, the corresponding output from the footwell module will be switched off permanently . This is the case if the fault entry can no longer be deleted even though the short circuit has been repaired. Exception: xenon bulbs: If the short circuit was present in the circuit of a xenon bulb, the output will be switched off permanently after 20 terminal changes. In this case, the footwell module must be replaced.

Description of dealing with short circuits as of 09/2007:
If a short circuit is detected in a circuit, the circuit is switched off after one minute. This circuit remains switched off until there has been a terminal change (terminal 15 > terminal 30 ‐> terminal 15).

A renewed attempt to switch on is only made after a terminal change. The control unit permanently switches off the corresponding output if a total of 10 terminal changes have taken place while there is a short circuit in a circuit. After repairing the short circuit, the output is reactivated using a diagnosis command in the testing procedure.

If the short circuit is still present, the output will be switched off again after 1 minute and permanently switched off again after another 10 terminal changes. Exception: xenon bulbs: If the short circuit is still present in the circuit of a xenon bulb, the output will be switched off again after 1 minute and permanently switched off again after another 4 terminal changes.

An output can be reactivated 5 times by a diagnosis command in the testing procedure. The footwell module permanently switches off the corresponding output if a total of 60 terminal changes have taken place while there is a short circuit in the circuit. Exception: xenon lamps: A xenon output can be reactivated 5 times by a diagnosis command in the testing procedure. The footwell module permanently switches off the corresponding output if a total of 24 terminal changes have taken place while there is a short circuit in the circuit.

The output cannot be reactivated, even with the diagnostic command, and the fault entry can no longer be deleted. In this case, the footwell module must be replaced.

Description of dealing with short circuits as of 09/2009:
If a short circuit is detected in a circuit, the circuit is switched off after ten seconds. This circuit remains switched off until there has been a terminal change (terminal 15 > terminal 30 ‐> terminal 15).

A renewed attempt to switch on is only made after a terminal change. The control unit permanently switches off the corresponding output if a total of 10 terminal changes have taken place while there is a short circuit in a circuit. After repairing the short circuit, the output is reactivated using a diagnosis command in the testing procedure.

If the short circuit is still present, the output will be switched off again after 10 seconds and permanently switched off again after another 10 terminal changes. Exception: xenon bulbs: If the short circuit is still present in the circuit of a xenon bulb, the output will be switched off again after 10 seconds and permanently switched off again after another 4 terminal changes.

An output can be reactivated 5 times by a diagnosis command in the testing procedure. The footwell module permanently switches off the corresponding output if a total of 60 terminal changes have taken place while there is a short circuit in the circuit. Exception: xenon lamps: A xenon output can be reactivated 5 times by a diagnosis command in the testing procedure. The footwell module permanently switches off the corresponding output if a total of 24 terminal changes have taken place while there is a short circuit in the circuit.

The output cannot be reactivated, even with the diagnostic command, and the fault entry can no longer be deleted. In this case, the footwell module must be replaced.

  • 2 tygodnie później...
Wybaczcie delegacja sie trafiła, posiadam INPE ale czytalem ze za pomocą NCS Expertem można to zrobic
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Wybaczcie delegacja sie trafiła, posiadam INPE ale czytałem ze za pomocą NCS Expertem można to zrobic

przypisać do samochodu nowy moduł tak (nowy używany) NCS z FA profilem expertmodus (trzeba najpierw VIN zmienić ),

ale reset zwarć to tylko tool32 i ista D

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