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Rekomendowane odpowiedzi


Witam. Po tym jak auto mi nadal szarpie podjechałem dzis na kompa. Wyskoczyła masa różnych błędów. W silniku pokazało niby zawór EGR i 2 razy sonde. sonde udało sie skasować ale zawór EGR oraz inne błedy juz sie nie chciały skasować. Czy ktoś wie co to za błedy i jak usunać usterkę aby dało sie je skasować. Ogólne jestem załamany trafiłem na mine;/

Poniżej fotki z błedami.












Programowanie/Obróbka CNC - Fanuc/Sinumerik/Heidenhain


Po pierwsze nie trafuiles na mine tylko na lekko "chore autko", wyleczysz i bedzie zyc jak wczesniej a ty si ebedziesz cieszyl.

Fotki nie sa dosc wyrazne niektore wiec lepiej by bylo jakbys spisal bledy w liste.

Rozumiem ze problemem jest nieznajomosc angielskiego.

zaczynajac od poczatku nie wiem czy to wszystko to bledy ale tego co tam jest pokazane to polowa problemu dotyczy (zanaczam chyba) sterowania badz samego silnika nawiewow- czy ogrzewanie dziala ok?

Kolejna informacja jest na temat jak sie nie myle "zaluzji silnika" ze nie dzialaja prawidlowo a jeszzce dokladniej ze ich silnik nie dziala?

Pozatym Auto prosi aby oddac je do serwisu(inspekcja?)


Ponizej masz cala liste kodow bledow- uzyj opcji szukaj albo translatora mam nadzieje ze ci to pomoze

PS nie ma co sie zalamywac poszukasz i znajdziesz- a w tym wszystkimnie chodzi zeby usunac blad tylko USTERKE powodzenia!


3E90 Crankshaft RPM - No Signal

3E91 Crankshaft RPM - Wrong Signal

3E95 Intake air Temperature Sensor

3EA0 Crankshaft Position Sensor

3EA1 Crankshaft Position Sensor

3EA5 Intake air Temperature Sensor

3EA6 Intake air Temperature Sensor

3EB0 RPM Calculation

3EB5 Air flow Sensor 2

3EB6 Air flow Sensor 2

3EC0 Camshaft Sensor - No Signal

3EC1 Camshaft Sensor - Wrong Signal

3EC7 Camshaft Sensor

3ED0 Camshaft Sensor - No Signal

3ED1 Camshaft Sensor - Wrong Signal

3ED5 Air Flow Sensor 2

3ED6 Air Flow Sensor 2

3EDC Variant Coding

3EDD Variant Coding

3EE0 Coolant Temperature Sensor -Short Circuit to B+ or Open

3EE1 Coolant Temperature Sensor -Short Circuit to B-

3EE2 Coolant Temperature Sensor

3EE3 Coolant Temperature Sensor

3EE5 Air Mass Flow Sensor 2

3EE6 Air Mass Flow Sensor 2

3EE7 Air Mass Flow Sensor 2

3EED Power Management Closed Circuit Current

3EF3 Coolant Temperature Sensor not Plausible

3EF5 Intake Air Temperature Sensor 2 (HFM Reference Signal)

3EF6 Intake Air Temperature Sensor 2 (HFM Reference Signal)

3EF7 Intake Air Temperature Sensor 2 (HFM Reference Signal)

3EFB Thermal Oil Level Sensor

3EFC Thermal Oil Level Sensor

3EFD Thermal Oil Level Sensor

3F00 Boost Pressure Sensor -Short circuit to B+

3F01 Boost Pressure Sensor -Short circuit to B- or Open

3F02 Boost Pressure Sensor

3F03 Boost Pressure Sensor -Plausibility


3F10 Pedal Position Sensor 1

3F11 Pedal Position Sensor 1 - Short circuit to B-

3F13 Pedal Position Sensor 1 - Potentiometer Plausibility


3F20 Pedal Position Sensor 2

3F21 Pedal Position Sensor 2 - Short Circuit to B-

3F23 Pedal Position Sensor 2 - Potentiometer Plausibility

3F25 Input Air Flow Control

3F30 Rail Pressure Sensor - Short Circuit to B+

3F31 Rail Pressure Sensor - Short Circuit to B-

3F35 Input Air Flow Control at Idle Speed

3F40 Rail Pressure Sensor - Max for Compensation

3F41 Rail Pressure Sensor - Min for Compensation

3F47 Brake Light or Brake Light Test Switch

3F48 Brake Light or Brake Light Test Switch

3F50 Vehicle Speed Signal - Too High

3F51 Vehicle Speed Signal

3F52 Vehicle Speed Signal

3F53 Vehicle Speed Signal

3F60 Pedal Position Sensor Ref. VSS

3F62 Vehicle Speed Signal from CAN

3F67 Filling Pressure Modulator 2

3F70 Intake Air Temperature Sensor

3F71 Intake Air Temperature Sensor

3F72 Intake Air Temperature Sensor

3F77 Boost Pressure Modulator 1

3F82 Ambient Temp Sensor

3F87 Boost Pressure Modulator 2

3F97 Boost Pressure Modulator 1

3FB0 Air Flow Meter - Signal too High or Short circuit to B+

3FB1 Air Flow Meter - Signal too Low or Short circuit to B-

3FB5 Control Master/Slave

3FB6 Control Master/Slave

3FB7 Control Unit - Internal Master

3FC0 Air Flow Meter - Deviation too High at Idle Speed

3FD0 Air Flow Meter - Deviation too High

3FE0 Air Flow Meter

3FE1 Air Flow Meter

3FF0 Air Flow Meter

3FF1 Air Flow Meter

4000 Fuel Temperature Sensor

4001 Fuel Temperature Sensor

4010 Exhaust Gas Pressure Sensor -Short Circuit to B+

4011 Exhaust Gas Pressure Sensor -Short Circuit to B-

4020 EGT -Short Circuit to B+

4021 EGT -Short Circuit to B-

4030 EGT Before Cat -Short Circuit to B+

4031 EGT Before Cat -Short Circuit to B-

4032 Exhaust Gas Pressure Sensor

4060 Atmospheric Pressure Sensor DDE-Short Circuit to B+

4061 Atmospheric Pressure Sensor DDE-Short Circuit to B-

4062 Atmospheric Pressure Sensor DDE

4063 Atmospheric Pressure Sensor DDE-Plausibility Ref. Boost

4072 Automatic Gearbox Switch Signal

4080 Brake Light or Brake Light Test Switch

4082 Brake Light or Brake Light Test Switch

4083 Brake Light or Brake Light Test Switch

40A1 Alternator Signal

40E0 Alternator

4100 AirCon Power Output

4101 AirCon Power Output

4102 AirCon Power Output

4103 AirCon Power Output

4108 Control Master/Slave

410C Swirl Flap Actuactor

4117 Control Master/Slave

4118 Control Master/Slave

4120 DDE Main Relay is Switching too Late or too Early

4121 DDE Main Relay is Switching too Late or too Early

4125 Power Supply

4126 Power Supply

4130 Swirlflaps - Short Circuit to B+

4135 Power Supply

4136 Power Supply

4140 Swirlflap

4141 Swirlflaps - Short Circuit to B-

4145 Power Supply

4146 Power Supply

4152 Swirlflaps - Open Circuit

4153 Swirlflaps - Plausibility, Overtemp of Output Stage

4155 Exhaust Flap Actuator

4156 Exhaust Flap Actuator

4157 Exhaust Flap Actuator

4158 Exhaust Flap Actuator

4160 Raise Pressure Pump - Short Circuit to B+

4161 Raise Pressure Pump - Short Circuit to B-

4162 Raise Pressure Pump - Activation Interrupted

4163 Raise Pressure Pump - Plausibility, Overtemp of Output Stage

4165 DPF -Flow Resistance too High

4166 DPF -Flow Resistance too Low

4175 Exhaust Gas Temp Sensor before DPF

4180 Boost Pressure Actuator - Short Circuit to B+

4185 Exhaust Gas Temp Sensor before Cat

4186 Exhaust Gas Temp Sensor before Cat

4188 Exhaust Gas Temp Sensor before Cat

4190 Boost Pressure Actuator

4191 Boost Pressure Actuator - Short Circuit to B-

419A Atmospheric Pressure Sensor DDE

419B Atmospheric Pressure Sensor DDE

41A0 Boost Pressure Actuator

41A1 Boost Pressure Actuator - Adjustment

41A2 Boost Pressure Actuator - Open Circuit

41A3 Boost Pressure Actuator - Plausibility, Overtemp of Output Stage

41A6 Message CBS Reset

41A7 Message CBS Reset

41AA Boost Pressure Sensor

41AB Boost Pressure Sensor

41B0 Exhaust Gas Recirculation -Short Circuit to B+

41B5 Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor

41BA Exhaust Backpressure Sensor

41BB Exhaust Backpressure Sensor

41C0 Activation -Fan

41C1 Activation -Fan- Short Circuit to B-

41C2 Activation -Fan- Activation Interrupted

41C3 Activation -Fan- Plausibility, Overtemp of Output Stage

41CD Exhaust Backpressure Sensor - Plausibility

41D0 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Regulation

41D1 Exhaust Gas Recirculation -Short Circuit to B-

41D5 Lambda Sensor Bias -Short Circuit to B+

41D6 Lambda Sensor Bias -Short Circuit to B-

41D7 Lambda Sensor Bias -Open Circuit

41E0 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Regulation

41E2 Exhaust Gas Recirculation - Open Circuit

41E3 Exhaust Gas Recirculation -Plausibility, Overtemp of Output Stage

41E5 Lambda Sensor -Short Circuit to B+

41E6 Lambda Sensor -Short Circuit to B-

41E7 Lambda Sensor -Open Circuit

41F0 Electric Ventilator - Short Circuit to B+

41F1 Electric Ventilator - Short Circuit to B-

41F2 Electric Ventilator - Activation Interrupted

41F3 Electric Ventilator - Plausibility, Overtemp of Output Stage

41F5 Lambda Sensor Virtual Earth -Short Circuit to B+

41F6 Lambda Sensor Virtual Earth -Short Circuit to B-

41F7 Lambda Sensor Virtual Earth -Open Circuit

4203 Glow Module Communication

4205 Lambda Sensor Heating -Short Circuit to B+

4206 Lambda Sensor Heating -Short Circuit to B-

4207 Lambda Sensor Heating

420B EGR in Regen Mode

4211 Glow Plug Cyl 1 - Short Circuit to B+

4212 Glow Plug Cyl 1 - Activation Interrupted

4213 Glow Plug Cyl 1 - Plausibility, Overtemp of Output Stage

4217 Lambda Sensor

4221 Glow Plug Cyl 2 - Short Circuit to B+

4222 Glow Plug Cyl 2 - Activation Interrupted

4223 Glow Plug Cyl 2 - Plausibility, Overtemp of Output Stage

4225 Lambda Sensor -Signal

4226 Lambda Sensor -Signal too Low

422A EGR in Regen Mode

4231 Glow Plug Cyl 3 - Short Circuit to B+

4232 Glow Plug Cyl 3 - Activation Interrupted

4233 Glow Plug Cyl 3 - Plausibility, Overtemp of Output Stage

4235 Control Unit Internal 21

4236 Control Unit Internal 21

4241 Glow Plug Cyl 4 - Short Circuit to B+

4242 Glow Plug Cyl 4 - Activation Interrupted

4243 Glow Plug Cyl 4 - Plausibility, Overtemp of Output Stage

4245 Control Unit Internal 22

4246 Control Unit Internal 22

4251 Glow Plug Cyl 5 - Short Circuit to B+

4252 Glow Plug Cyl 5 - Activation Interrupted

4253 Glow Plug Cyl 5 - Plausibility, Overtemp of Output Stage

4258 Control Unit Internal 23

425D Accelerator Pedal Potentiometer Plausibility

4261 Glow Plug Cyl 6 - Short Circuit to B+

4262 Glow Plug Cyl 6 - Activation Interrupted

4263 Glow Plug Cyl 6 - Plausibility, Overtemp of Output Stage

4267 Lambda Sensor Shunt Detection

4271 Glow Plug Cyl 7 - Short Circuit to B+

4272 Glow Plug Cyl 7 - Activation Interrupted

4273 Glow Plug Cyl 7 - Plausibility, Overtemp of Output Stage

4275 Lambda Sensor Heater

4276 Lambda Sensor Heater

4281 Glow Plug Cyl 8 - Short Circuit to B+

4282 Glow Plug Cyl 8 - Activation Interrupted

4283 Glow Plug Cyl 8 - Plausibility, Overtemp of Output Stage

4288 Lambda Sensor Heater

428B Boost Pressure Control of Large Turbo Control Deviation

4293 Control Unit Internal Error 16

4296 Lambda Sensor

4298 Lambda Sensor

429A Boost Pressure Control of Large Turbo Control Deviation

42B5 RPM Control

42C0 Oil Pressure Indicator Lamp - Short Circuit to B+

42C1 Oil Pressure Indicator Lamp - Short Circuit to B-

42C2 Oil Pressure Indicator Lamp - Activation interrupted

42C3 Oil Pressure Indicator Lamp - Plausibility, Overtemp of Output Stage

42D5 Injector Cylinder 7

42D6 Injector Cylinder 7

42D7 Injector Cylinder 7

42D8 Injector Cylinder 7

42E2 Changeover Rail Pressure Control

42F2 Changeover Rail Pressure Control

42F5 Injector Cylinder 8

42F6 Injector Cylinder 8

42F7 Injector Cylinder 8

42F8 Injector Cylinder 8

4302 Quantity Regulation Valve - Activation interrupted

4303 Quantity Regulation Valve - Plausibility, Overtemp of Output Stage

4310 Quantity Regulation Valve - Short Circuit to B+

4321 Quantity Regulation Valve - Short Circuit to B-

4332 Rail Pressure Regulation Valve - Activation Interrupted

4333 Rail Pressure Regulation Valve - Plausibility, Overtemp of Output Stage

4340 Rail Pressure Regulation Valve - Short Circuit to B+

4351 Rail Pressure Regulation Valve - Short Circuit to B-

4360 Rail Pressure Regulation Valve - Current Regulation

4361 Rail Pressure Regulation Valve - Current Regulation

4362 Rail Pressure Regulation Valve - Current Regulation

4373 Air Flow Mass not Plausible

4378 Rail Pressure Regulation Valve - Defect

4382 Rail Pressure Valve Position Test

4390 Boost Air Temperature Sensor - Short Circuit to B+

4391 Boost Air Temperature Sensor - Short Circuit to B-

4392 Boost Air Temperature Sensor

4397 Position Test Volume Adjust Valve

43A0 Start-block Relay

43A1 Start-block Relay

43A2 Start-block Relay

43A3 Start-block Relay

43C0 Throttle Valve Actuator -Short Circuit to B+

43D1 Throttle Valve Actuator -Short Circuit to B-

43E2 Throttle Valve Actuator -Open Circuit

43E3 Throttle Valve Actuator -Plausibility, Overtemp of Output Stage

43F0 Electrical Aux Heater - Short Circuit to B+

43F1 Electrical Aux Heater - Short Circuit to B-

43F2 Electrical Aux Heater - Activation Interrupted

43F3 Electrical Aux Heater - Plausibility, Overtemp of Output Stage

4403 Control Unit Internal Error 17

4410 Injector Cylinder 1- Activation

4411 Injector Cylinder 1- Activation

4412 Injector Cylinder 1- Activation

4413 Injector Cylinder 1- Activation

4417 Control Master/Slave

441C Injector Cylinder 1 - Earth Side Activation or Open Circuit

4420 Injector Cylinder 2- Activation

4421 Injector Cylinder 2- Activation

4422 Injector Cylinder 2- Activation

4423 Injector Cylinder 2- Activation

4428 Control Master/Slave

442C Injector Cylinder 2 - Earth Side Activation or Open Circuit

4430 Injector Cylinder 3- Activation

4431 Injector Cylinder 3- Activation

4432 Injector Cylinder 3- Activation

4433 Injector Cylinder 3- Activation

4438 Control Master/Slave

443C Injector Cylinder 3 - Earth Side Activation or Open Circuit

4440 Injector Cylinder 4- Activation

4441 Injector Cylinder 4- Activation

4442 Injector Cylinder 4- Activation

4443 Injector Cylinder 4- Activation

444C Injector Cylinder 4 - Earth Side Activation or Open Circuit

4450 Injector Cylinder 5- Activation

4451 Injector Cylinder 5- Activation

4452 Injector Cylinder 5- Activation

4453 Injector Cylinder 5- Activation

445C Injector Cylinder 5 - Earth Side Activation or Open Circuit

4460 Injector Cylinder 6- Activation

4461 Injector Cylinder 6- Activation

4462 Injector Cylinder 6- Activation

4463 Injector Cylinder 6- Activation

446C Injector Cylinder 6 - Earth Side Activation or Open Circuit

4473 Control Unit Internal Error 18

4480 Control Unit Internal Error 19

4491 Control Unit Internal Error 20

44A0 Injectors: Activation Cylinder. 1, 2, 3

44A1 Injectors: Activation Cylinder. 1, 2, 3

44A3 Injectors: Activation Cylinder. 1, 2, 3

44AC Injectors: Activation Cylinder. 1, 2, 3

44B0 Injectors: Activation Cylinder. 1, 2, 3

44B1 Injectors: Activation Cylinder. 4, 5, 6

44B3 Injectors: Activation Cylinder. 4, 5, 6

44BC Injectors: Activation Cylinder. 4, 5, 6

44C0 Number of Requested Injections Limited

44C1 Number of Requested Injections Limited

44C2 Number of Requested Injections Limited

44D0 Alternator

44D2 Alternator

44D3 Alternator

44E2 Alternator

44E3 Alternator

44F0 Rail Pressure not Plausible

4500 Exhaust Gas Recirculation- Deviation

4501 Exhaust Gas Recirculation- Negative Deviation or Air Mass too High

4506 Exhaust Gas Recirculation- Deviation

4507 Exhaust Gas Recirculation- Posative Deviation or Air Mass too Low

4512 Thermal Oil Level Sensor

4513 Thermal Oil Level Sensor

4521 Boost Pressure Actuator - Regulation Pressure too High

452A DPF System

4530 Boost Pressure Actuator - Regulation Pressure too Low

4536 Power Management

453B PT Can Bus

453C PT Can Bus

453D PT Can Bus

4541 Thermal Oil Level Sensor

454B Private CAN bus(master)

454C Private CAN bus(master)

454D Private CAN bus(master)

4550 Boost Pressure Modulation 2

4560 Rail Pressure Sensor - Plausibility -Pressure too Low

4570 Rail Pressure not Plausible

4580 Rail Pressure Sensor - Plausibility -Pressure too High

4587 Fuel Filter

4590 Rail Pressure not Plausible

45A0 Rail Pressure Sensor - Plausibility -Pressure too High

45A5 Boost Air Temp Sensor 2- Signal

45A6 Boost Air Temp Sensor 2- Signal

45C0 Rail Pressure not Plausible

45E3 Control Master/Slave

45F2 Control Master/Slave

45F3 Control Master/Slave

4600 Rail Pressure Sensor - Plausibility -Pressure too Low

4605 DPF System

4610 Rail Pressure not Plausible

4618 DPF -Plausibility -Pressure Reference

4620 Rail Pressure Sensor - Plausibility -Pressure too High

4628 DPF System

4630 Rail Pressure not Plausible

4640 Rail Pressure not Plausible

4645 EGR Controller

4650 Rail Pressure not Plausible

4656 Control Unit Internal 24

4660 Power Supply

4661 Power Supply

4665 DPF Bank 1

4666 DPF Bank 1

4667 DPF Bank 1

4670 Power Supply 1 - Short Circuit to B+

4671 Power Supply 1 - Short Circuit to B-

4677 Throttle Valve Actuator

4680 Power Supply 2 - Short Circuit to B+

4681 Power Supply 2 - Short Circuit to B-

4687 Throttle Valve Actuator

4690 Power Supply

4691 Power Supply

4697 Throttle Valve Actuator

46A0 Control Unit Internal Error 1

46A1 Control Unit Internal Error 1

46A2 Control Unit Internal Error 1

46A3 Control Unit Internal Error 1

46A7 Swirl Flap Actuator

46B0 Control Unit Internal Error 2

46B1 Control Unit Internal Error 2

46B2 Control Unit Internal Error 2

46B3 Control Unit Internal Error 2

46B7 Swirl Flap Actuator

46C0 Control Unit Internal Error 3

46C1 Control Unit Internal Error 3

46C2 Control Unit Internal Error 3

46C3 Control Unit Internal Error 3

46C7 Swirl Flap Actuator

46D0 Control Unit Internal Error 4

46D1 Control Unit Internal Error 4

46D2 Control Unit Internal Error 4

46D3 Control Unit Internal Error 4

46D5 Compressor Bypass Activation

46D6 Compressor Bypass Activation

46D7 Compressor Bypass Activation

46D8 Compressor Bypass Activation

46E0 Control Unit Internal Error 5

46E1 Control Unit Internal Error 5

46E2 Control Unit Internal Error 5

46E3 Control Unit Internal Error 5

46E5 Wastegate Valve Activation

46E6 Wastegate Valve Activation

46F0 Control Unit Internal Error 6

46F1 Control Unit Internal Error 6

46F2 Control Unit Internal Error 6

46F3 Control Unit Internal Error 6

4700 Control Unit Internal Error 7

4701 Control Unit Internal Error 7

4702 Control Unit Internal Error 7

4703 Control Unit Internal Error 7

4707 Wastegate Valve Activation

4708 Wastegate Valve Activation

4710 Control Unit Internal Error 8

4711 Control Unit Internal Error 8

4712 Control Unit Internal Error 8

4713 Control Unit Internal Error 8

4720 Control Unit Internal Error 9

4721 Control Unit Internal Error 9

4722 Control Unit Internal Error 9

4723 Control Unit Internal Error 9

4730 Quantity Regulation Current Regulation

4731 Quantity Regulation Current Regulation

4732 Quantity Regulation Current Regulation

4740 Control Unit Internal Error 11

4747 Injectors - Amplifier Adjustment(control unit internal)

4750 Control Unit Internal Error 12

4753 Control Unit Internal Error 12

475A Exhaust Backpressure Sensor- Bank 2

475B Exhaust Backpressure Sensor- Bank 2

4763 Control Unit Internal Error 13

4765 Injector Cyl 1 - Activation

4766 Injector Cyl 1 - Activation

4767 Injector Cyl 1 - Activation

4768 Injector Cyl 1 - Activation

476A Injector Cyl 4/5/6 Buffer Voltage Measurement(control unit internal)

476B Injector Cyl 4/5/6 Buffer Voltage Measurement(control unit internal)

4770 Control Unit Internal Error 14

4771 Control Unit Internal Error 14

4772 Control Unit Internal Error 14

4773 Control Unit Internal Error 14

477C Injectors Activation Duration(control unit internal)

4780 Control Unit Internal Error 15

4781 Control Unit Internal Error 15

4782 Control Unit Internal Error 15

4783 Control Unit Internal Error 15

4785 Injector Cyl 2 - Activation

4786 Injector Cyl 2 - Activation

4787 Injector Cyl 2 - Activation

4788 Injector Cyl 2 - Activation

478C Injector Activation Duration(control unit internal)

4792 Monitoring Master/Slave

4793 Monitoring Master/Slave

4795 Injector Cyl 3 - Activation

4796 Injector Cyl 3 - Activation

4797 Injector Cyl 3 - Activation

4798 Injector Cyl 3 - Activation

47A5 Injector Cyl 4 - Activation

47A6 Injector Cyl 4 - Activation

47A7 Injector Cyl 4 - Activation

47A8 Injector Cyl 4 - Activation

47AB Private CAN Bus(Slave)

47AC Private CAN Bus(Slave)

47AD Private CAN Bus(Slave)

47B5 Injector Cyl 5 - Activation

47B6 Injector Cyl 5 - Activation

47B7 Injector Cyl 5 - Activation

47B8 Injector Cyl 5 - Activation

47BB Power Train CAN Bus(Slave)

47BC Power Train CAN Bus(Slave)

47BD Power Train CAN Bus(Slave)

47C5 Injector Cyl 6 - Activation

47C6 Injector Cyl 6 - Activation

47C7 Injector Cyl 6 - Activation

47C8 Injector Cyl 6 - Activation

47D5 Injector Cyl 7 - Activation

47D6 Injector Cyl 7 - Activation

47D7 Injector Cyl 7 - Activation

47D8 Injector Cyl 7 - Activation

47E5 Injector Cyl 8 - Activation

47E6 Injector Cyl 8 - Activation

47E7 Injector Cyl 8 - Activation

47E8 Injector Cyl 8 - Activation

4803 Torque Control ACC

480A DPF -Bank 1

4810 Torque Control ACC

481A DPF -Bank 1

4830 Intake Air Temperature Sensor

4831 Intake Air Temperature Sensor

483D Throttle Actuator

4841 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Regulation 2

484A Accelerator Pedal Potentiometer -Signal

4850 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Regulation 2

4857 Swirl Flap Actuator

4863 Vehicle Speed Regulation

4867 Swirl Flap Actuator

486D Control Unit Software Fault

4877 Swirl Flap Actuator

487A Lambda Sensor Bank 2 - Bias Voltage

487B Lambda Sensor Bank 2 - Bias Voltage

487C Lambda Sensor Bank 2 - Bias Voltage

4887 Swirl Flap Actuator

488A Lambda Sensor Bank 2 - Pump Current

488B Lambda Sensor Bank 2 - Pump Current

488C Lambda Sensor Bank 2 - Pump Current

4896 Swirl Flap Actuator

489A Lambda Sensor Bank 2 - Virtual Ground

489B Lambda Sensor Bank 2 - Virtual Ground

489C Lambda Sensor Bank 2 - Virtual Ground

48A2 CAN Communication with ASC

48A3 CAN Communication with ASC

48B2 CAN Communication with ASC

48B3 CAN Communication with ASC

48B5 Injectors Voltage Measurement(control unit internal)

48B6 Injectors Voltage Measurement(control unit internal)

48B7 Injectors Voltage Measurement(control unit internal)

48BC Lambda Sensor Bank 2

48C2 CAN Communication with EGS

48C5 Injectors Voltage Measurement(control unit internal)

48C6 Injectors Voltage Measurement(control unit internal)

48C7 Injectors Voltage Measurement(control unit internal)

48CA Lambda Sensor Bank 2

48CB Lambda Sensor Bank 2

48D2 CAN Communication with Instrument Cluster

48D3 CAN Communication with Instrument Cluster

48DA Control Unit Internal 25

48DB Control Unit Internal 25

48EA Control Unit Internal 26

48EB Control Unit Internal 26

48F2 CAN BUS Hardware

48F3 CAN BUS Hardware

48F7 Injectors Wiring Loom

48FD Control Unit Internal 27

4900 DSC Torque Intervention

4907 Injectors Selector Switch(control unit internal)

490B Control Unit Internal 28

4912 CAN BUS Hardware Defect in Operation

4913 CAN BUS Hardware Fault in Initialisation

4917 Injectors Charge Switch(control unit internal)

4920 Transmission Link

4925 Throttle Valve Actuator 2 Activation

492A Lambda Sensor Bank 2 Heater

492B Lambda Sensor Bank 2 Heater

4936 Throttle Valve Actuator 2 Activation

493D Lambda Sensor Bank 2

4947 Throttle Valve Actuator 2 Activation

4948 Throttle Valve Actuator 2 Activation

494D Lambda Sensor Bank 2

4957 Throttle Valve Actuator 2

495A Exhaust Temp Sensor before DPF Bank 2

495B Exhaust Temp Sensor before DPF Bank 2

4967 Throttle Valve Actuator 2

496A DPF Bank 2

497A DPF Bank 2

4991 Message : Instrument Cluster

4992 Message : Instrument Cluster

4997 Throttle Valve Actuator 2

49A2 Message : Ambient Temperature

49B0 Message : Torque Request

49C0 Message : Torque Request

49D2 Message : Torque Request

49E0 Message : Torque Request

49E7 Throttle Actuator

49F2 Message : Vehicle Speed

49F3 Message : Vehicle Speed

4A02 Terminal 15

4A03 Terminal 15

4A07 Alternator

4A08 Alternator

4A10 BSD Interface

4A13 BSD Interface

4A15 Alternator

4A17 Alternator

4A18 Alternator

4A22 Boost Air Pressure Actuator 2 Activation

4A23 Boost Air Pressure Actuator 2 Activation

4A25 Intelligent Battery Sensor

4A27 Intelligent Battery Sensor

4A28 Intelligent Battery Sensor

4A30 Multifunction Steering Wheel- Toggle Bit

4A31 Multifunction Steering Wheel- Frequency Counter

4A32 Multifunction Steering Wheel- No Signal

4A33 Multifunction Steering Wheel- Signal not Plausible

4A35 Intelligent Battery Sensor

4A37 Intelligent Battery Sensor

4A38 Intelligent Battery Sensor

4A41 EWS Interface

4A42 EWS Interface

4A43 EWS Interface

4A45 Intelligent Battery Sensor

4A47 Intelligent Battery Sensor

4A48 Intelligent Battery Sensor

4A50 EWS Code Storage

4A51 EWS Code Storage

4A56 Power Management Battery

4A58 Power Management Battery

4A60 EWS Manipulation

4A61 EWS Manipulation

4A62 EWS Manipulation

4A63 EWS Manipulation

4A65 Power Management Vehicle Electrical System

4A66 Power Management Vehicle Electrical System

4A67 Power Management Vehicle Electrical System

4A70 Reference Values Incorrect

4A80 Intake Air Hose

4AA2 CAN Communication with EGS

4AA3 CAN Communication with EGS

4AB0 Electrical Aux Heater

4AD5 Zero Quantity Adaptation Injector 1

4AD6 Zero Quantity Adaptation Injector 1

4AE0 E-Box Ventilator -Short circuit to B+

4AE1 E-Box Ventilator -Short circuit to B-

4AE2 E-Box Ventilator -Activation Interrupted

4AE3 E-Box Ventilator -Plausibility, Overtemp of Output Stage

4AE5 Zero Quantity Adaptation Injector 2

4AE6 Zero Quantity Adaptation Injector 2

4AF0 Control Unit Temperature Sensor

4AF1 Control Unit Temperature Sensor

4AF5 Zero Quantity Adaptation Injector 3

4AF6 Zero Quantity Adaptation Injector 3

4B00 Control Unit Temperature

4B05 Zero Quantity Adaptation Injector 4

4B06 Zero Quantity Adaptation Injector 4

4B10 Smooth Running Regulation -Correction Quantity too High

4B11 Smooth Running Regulation -Correction Quantity too Low

4B15 Zero Quantity Adaptation Injector 5

4B16 Zero Quantity Adaptation Injector 5

4B20 Electro ventilator -Blocked

4B22 Electro Ventilator

4B25 Zero Quantity Adaptation Injector 6

4B26 Zero Quantity Adaptation Injector 6

4B35 Oil Sensor

4B36 Oil Sensor

4B37 Oil Sensor

4B38 Oil Sensor

4B45 Injector Cyl 1 Energy Consumption Measurement

4B50 Quantity Compensation

4B55 Injector Cyl 2 Energy Consumption Measurement

4B60 Quantity Compensation

4B65 Injector Cyl 3 Energy Consumption Measurement

4B75 Injector Cyl 4 Energy Consumption Measurement

4B80 Rail Pressure not Plausible

4B85 Injector Cyl 5 Energy Consumption Measurement

4B90 Rail Pressure Control at Engine Start

4B95 Injector Cyl 6 Energy Consumption Measurement

4BA0 Intake Air Temperature Sensor -Signal too High or Short

4BA1 Intake Air Temperature Sensor -Signal too Low

4BB0 Air Flow Sensor Power Supply

4BB1 Air Flow Sensor Power Supply

4BB5 Air Flow Meter -Signal too Low

4BB6 Air Flow Meter -Signal too High

4BC0 Air Flow Meter -Signal too Low

4BC1 Air Flow Meter -Signal too High

4BC2 Air Flow Meter -Short Circuit

4BC5 Intake Air Temperature Sensor

4BC6 Intake Air Temperature Sensor

4BC7 Intake Air Temperature Sensor

4BD2 ARS Torque Request

4BD5 Engine Support

4BD6 Engine Support

4BD7 Engine Support

4BD8 Engine Support

4BE2 Message : Transmission data

4BE7 Message : Transmission data 2

4BF2 Message : Air Conditioning

4BF7 Message : Range

4C00 Message : Cruise Control

4C01 Message : Cruise Control

4C02 Message : Cruise Control

4C06 Message : ARS Status

4C07 Message : ARS Status

4C12 Message : DSC Status

4C15 Message : Terminal 15

4C16 Message : Terminal 15

4C17 Message : Terminal 15

4C20 Message : DSC Torque

4C21 Message : DSC Torque

4C22 Message : DSC Torque

4C23 Message : DSC Torque

4C27 Message : Vehicle Speed

4C28 Message : Vehicle Speed

4C45 Injector Cyl 7 Energy Consumption Measurement

4C55 Injector Cyl 8 Energy Consumption Measurement

4C65 Zero Quantity Adaptation Injector 7

4C66 Zero Quantity Adaptation Injector 7

4C75 Supply Voltage Air Mass Flow Sensor 2

4C76 Supply Voltage Air Mass Flow Sensor 2

4C95 Zero Quantity Adaptation Injector 8

4C96 Zero Quantity Adaptation Injector 8

4CA2 Message : Power Management

4CB2 Message : Power Management

4CB3 Message : Power Management

4CF3 DPF -Plausibility -Exhaust Gas Pressure

4D00 Exhaust Backpressure Sensor Bank 1

4D03 Exhaust Backpressure Sensor Bank 1

4D25 Exhaust Temp Sensor before Catalytic Converter Bank 2

4D26 Exhaust Temp Sensor before Catalytic Converter Bank 2

4D45 Exhaust Temp Sensor before DPF Bank 2

4D46 Exhaust Temp Sensor before DPF Bank 2

4D56 DPF Bank 2

4D65 DPF System

4D75 DPF System

4D81 Boost Pressure Actuator 2 Activation

4D98 Exhaust Backpressure Sensor Bank 2

4DA3 Boost Pressure Control

4DA5 Exhaust Backpressure Sensor Bank 2

4DA8 Exhaust Backpressure Sensor Bank 2

4DB0 EGR Controller 2 Activation

4DC1 EGR Controller 2 Activation

4DD2 EGR Controller 2 Activation

4DD3 EGR Controller 2 Activation

4DD5 Exhaust Temp Sensor before DPF Bank 2

4DE0 Monitoring Master/Slave - Private CAN

4DE1 Monitoring Master/Slave - Private CAN

4DE3 Monitoring Master/Slave - Private CAN

4DF0 Message : Transmission Torque

4DF1 Message : Transmission Torque

4DF2 Message : Transmission Torque

4DF3 Message : Transmission Torque

4DF5 Exhaust Temp Sensor before DPF Bank 2

7073 Automatic Gearbox Switch Signal

CD87 CAN Bus Communication Error

CD8B CAN Bus -Control Module has Left the Bus


Pokazuje mi sie serwis na wyswietlaczu. Inspekce pokasowałem poza klockami.

Co do ogrzewania to chyba nie dziala prawidlowo bo tem mam ustawiona na 16st a z nawiewów co sa na calej dlugosci szyby i na nogi leci gorace powietrze a z pozostałych kratek zimne.

Co do żaluzji silnika czy ich sterowania to gdzie tego szukac dokladnie. moze cos sie urwalo?

Programowanie/Obróbka CNC - Fanuc/Sinumerik/Heidenhain

Zaluzje sa miedzy chlodnica a silnikiem(tak mysle ) albo chlodnica a zderzakiem(tez tak mysle).

Raczej chodzi o ich sterowanie ktore nei dziala prawdlowo.


Ogrzewanie rowniez ma na srodku pokretlo(kolo kontroli trakcji i zamykania drzwi), czasem moze byc zle ustawione? Sprawdz bo jak masz nawet na 16 stopni a tam czerwone ustawione to i tak bedzie cieplo...:)


Inspekcje mozesz sam skasowac jesliw iesz jak uzywac komputera pokladowego, nie pamietam dokladnie ale chyba z hamulcami wiaze sie jakis maly trik ktory zapobiega bledom wiec odradzam resetowanie jesli sie niz znasz na tym.


Ogolnie licze ze ktos madrzejszy odemnie sie wypowie na temat disla, ja jestem zagorzalym fanem benzyniakow i na ich temat moge wiecej powiedziec:)


To sterowanie od zaluzji to gdzie sie znajduje. bezpośrednio przy żaluzjach?

Jezeli chodzi o to pokretło po środku to nie ma znaczenia czy przekrece je na niebieskie pole czy na czerwone czy na środku. Ciagle tak samo, na szybę i nogi wieje gorące a reszta zimne.

Pytanie jak sie dostac do tego co odpowiada za te nawiewy i temp ?

Programowanie/Obróbka CNC - Fanuc/Sinumerik/Heidenhain

Kolego ja szczerze chcialbym ci pomoc ale widze ze sie za bardzo rozumeimy.

Ja tylko zgaduje co i jak, nie jestem neistety mechanikiem...

Co do ogrzewania to problem moze byc ze soba polaczony razem z zaluzjami.

Ogolnie masz duzo bledow powiazanych ze soba co wydaje mi sie ze jest efektem niesprawnosci tych ukladow, badz drastycznie pogorszonej sprawnosci.


Powinienec pojechac do specjalisty od BMW bo zgadywanie na oko nic nie da.

tymbardziej ze jesli chcialbys sie zabierac za np sterownik, a nawet nie wiesz gdzie on jest umiejscowiony to si eobawiam ze to troszke przerasta nasze mozliwosci.


Nie zaluj na porzadna diagnoze, jesli problemy masz z szarpaniem silnika i inne ktore uniemozliwiaja normalna jazde powinienes koniecznie znalezc przyczyne i zrobic, ale nie znajdziesz gotowej odpowiedzi na takich nei ma przy tak duzej rozpietosci problemu.


Nie chce sie ani madrzyc ani cos, chce Ci tylko uswiadomic ze mneij czasu stresu i nerwow bedzie jesli pojedziesz i zbadasz sprawe w porzadnym warsztacie!


Swieta tuz tuz, to kiepski czas na zabawy z autem, mimo wszystko odradzam na sile szukania skutku jesli nie wiesz nawet co oznaczaja bledy jakie wkleiles.

Ryzyko pomylki i wymiana na oko w tak zaawansowanym aucie podzespolow czy tez elementow to gra niewarta swieczki- czesci sa zwyczajnie za drogie! Same czujniki ida w tysiace jak zaczniesz je wymieniac.....


Przyktro mi jesli Cie zmartwilem tym co wyzej, ale ze szczerym sercem jesli chcesz ratowac bunie a nie jestes mechanikiem lepiej podjedz do warsztatu i zaplac za diagnoze! Nie pozalujesz bo to naprawde wazna sprawa, a same kody tez moze byc loteria.

Zalezy na jakim sprzecie je odczytujesz, czasem moga byc zupelnie inne niz sa rzeczywiscie, albo duzo niewiadopmych za malo faktow.

jedz i sprawdznie boj sie bo to nie pomoze, a czekanie na opd na forum tez ma swoje granice, dzis sobota wiec czas na piwko a nie siedzenie na forach...:)


pozdrawiam i zdrowko!


Wiec tak panowie. po nowym roku podłacze jeszcze auto pod inpa i dis i zobaczymy ale na wstepie myslalem i rozmawialem jeszcze z takim znajomym i wymyslilem ze jezeli chodzi o pierdoly od klimy tzn od nawiewow to nie bede sczypal tylko poprostu zakupie caly kompletny nadmuch na podmianke i tyle.

Tylko powiedzcie mi czy musza byc jakies konkretne numery czy poprostu wystarczy info ze ma byc z e90 i tyle ?

Programowanie/Obróbka CNC - Fanuc/Sinumerik/Heidenhain

Witaj ponownie,

Nie popelnil beldu kupujac pelny zestaw!!!

To strasznie droga opcja, nawiewy wszystkie czesci do klimy to ogromna kasa!

W klimie moze ie byc czynnika, miec za male cisnienie moze uwalony czujnik i ne dzialajacy wentylator etc.

Inpa-Dis to dobra opcja ale najlepsza komputer BMW-on Ci poda nie kdy bledow a konkretne rzeczy ktore sa walniete!

Na chubil trafil naprawde nic nie ma sensu wymieniac. masz mechanika dobrego w okolicy? Jedz do niego i zn im zagadaj jak sie zna na bmw. Pozdrawiam


kompletna dluchawe/nagrzewnice znalazlem uzywana za 400zł oczywiscie sprawna z gwarancja tylko pyt czy musze z danego rocznika to kupic czy ogolnie z e90 wystarczy i juz....

Co do montarzu tego to dam rade, jakis czas temu wstawilem 2 strefowy klimatronik do e36 gdzie fabrycznie nie bylo klimy tylko ogrzewanie na pokretla i dzialalo. Tak wiec i podejme ryzyko z e90 ;)

Programowanie/Obróbka CNC - Fanuc/Sinumerik/Heidenhain


Ja nie wiem czy ptoblem z nagrzewnica, ja zgaduje po logach z foto!

Lepiej nei kupuj w ciemno czesci! Sprawdz co masz za bledy konkretnie, pozniej zbadaj sprawe zakupow jak potwierdzisz co i jak!


Ja mialem blad vanosa...okazalo sie ze gdybym tak jak ty mial zamiar zmienic podzespol wybylibym ze 12 tys na wszystko, blad byl spowodowany jednak przedmuchami z uszczelki pod zaworami ktora de facto kosztowala 400zl

.....wiec lepiej sie opanuj i nie kupuj niczego poki nie potwierdzisz diagnozy.




Ok panowie.....

W ramach walki z nuda chcialem oblukac co i jak. I po odłaczeniu i podłaczeniu panelu od klimatronika nagle wszystko ozylo ale teraz zaczyna mnie to draznic bo slysze jak jeden z silniczkow ciagle pracuje, dziwnie trzszczy, jak zdjalem schoweg w nogach to widze jak caly czas pracuje bo rusza sie ciegno od klapki. nawet jak zgasze auto wyciagne kluczyk to on od czasu do czasu pracuje....


hmmm.. ??

Programowanie/Obróbka CNC - Fanuc/Sinumerik/Heidenhain
U mnie też tak jest i zastanawiam się czy to nie jest wina innego panelu klimatyzacji , ja mam klime manual , a ktoś wsadził klimatronik
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