W przypadku DDE5 każda nieprawidlowość dzialania pkdgrzewacza generuje błąd. Control of the auxiliary heater and its temperature are monitored, and the following faults are detected: 43F0, Activation short circuit to B+ 43F1, Activation short circuit to B- 43F2 Activation circuit break 43F3, Excess temperature output stage 4AB2, excess temperature in the auxiliary heater NB: If this fault is detected, fault 43F1 is also stored as secondary fault in every case. If both faults have occurred at the same time, this fault is to be ignored. Consequence: the auxiliary heater is switched off resulting in poor heat output at low temperatures. If the alternator transmits a load signal of < 5 % or > 100 %, the fault 40A1 ”Alternator load signal” is stored. Consequence: the auxiliary heater is switched off. Ty masz starszy DDE, ktory duzo mniej monitoruje ten podgrzewacz. I jak pisałem miałem tych podgrzewaczy 3 sztuki i na każym tak samo chodził.