Ja chciałem sprostować to co napisałem wyżej ponieważ to dotyczy starszych modeli które mają DDE 4.0, w modelach które mają DDE 5.0 - 6.0 klapkami steruje ECU poprzez elektryczny siłownik. Informacje pochodzą z WDS Wiring Diagram System. The adjustable swirl flaps are located in the tangential channels of the intake system and are opened and closed according to the operating status of the engine. The swirl flaps are closed under the following conditions: at low engine speeds and low injection volumes (map-controlled) The swirl flaps generally open when the coolant temperature < 14 °C OR the amount of fuel > 24 mg OR engine speed > 2250 rpm OR the intake air temperature < -5 °C. Function In the case of the M57 TU with exhaust emission stage EURO 4 and on the X3 3.0 D, an electric motor activates the control rod to close the swirl flaps. The control rod is up against the rear stop when the swirl flaps are open. The swirl flaps are sealed when closed in the tangential ducts with rubber gaskets. Effects of faults If the swirl flaps stick in open position: Deterioration in exhaust gas characteristics in lower speed ranges otherwise no effect. If the swirl flaps stick in closed position: Loss in power output of approx. 10 % at higher engine speeds, danger of engine overheating. Sprawdzanie stanu klapek nie wiele daje ponieważ były takie przypadki że były w stanie bdb, bez luzów a po miesiącu jedna odfrunęła, tak było u jednego z kolegów w dziale E60.